Financial Expectations Policy



Families and SCCS are entering into an agreement whereby the school will provide an education as stated in the Vision, Purpose, Philosophy, and Objectives. Families are agreeing to pay tuition in order that the school may fulfill its obligations in educating students. The board establishes a budget for the school year based on the commitment of parents to meet their financial obligation to the school. Without this commitment on the part of the parents, the school would not be able to fulfill their commitment. It is, therefore, important that parents understand their financial role in this process.

  1. Tuition shall be paid in twelve equal monthly installments due on the fifth of the month from July through June or can be paid in full on July 1. If a student withdraws after July 1, tuition and fees owed during the month of withdrawal are due regardless of the date. For financial obligations in the event of withdrawal see the withdrawal policy, below.

  2. In the event tuition is not paid on time, FACTS will assess a late payment fee to the applicable parents or responsible party.

  3. If tuition remains unpaid, or other arrangements (e.g., negotiated payment plans with the Board of Directors of SCCS (the Board) to cure delinquent tuition) have not been made within 20 days after the due date, a Board member shall personally contact the Delinquent Party.

  4. If 60 days have elapsed since the date the delinquent tuition was due and the delinquent tuition remains unpaid, or other arrangements have not been made, the Board delegate shall send an expulsion notice, by certified mail, to the Delinquent Party. The expulsion notice shall contain language that SCCS reserves all remedies available under law to enforce the payment of delinquent tuition.

  5. If after all of the foregoing efforts noted above have been exercised and a period of 90 days has elapsed from the due date, without payment of the delinquent tuition or other arrangements having been made, the Board shall inform the Delinquent Party that their student(s) are hereby expelled from SCCS for failure to pay tuition.

  6. Upon the payment of delinquent tuition, the Board, in its discretion, may permit the expelled student to be re-admitted to SCCS on such terms and conditions the Board deems necessary and advisable. No student will be permitted to start a new school year with an outstanding balance of tuition owed from the previous school year. Graduate diplomas, report cards for any grade level, and all standardized test scores shall not be issued until all tuition has been paid in full.

financial expectations: Withdrawal

For a student withdrawing from school for any reason on or prior to the first deadline of the preceding school year the only financial liability will be the non-refundable enrollment fee. We understand that any family withdrawing a student after the first deadline for the following school year will be liable for the following total tuition payments:

Changes effective for the 2024-25 school year:

On or after April 1: 50% liability for tuition

On or after June 1: 75% liability for tuition

First Day of School and after: 100% liability for tuition

financial expectations: divorce

We understand that in cases of divorce, each parent is responsible for fulfilling all financial obligations regardless of initial personal cost-sharing agreements, and both parents must sign the Enrollment Contract. In cases of a single-parent parenting plan, that parent is financially obligated and must sign the Enrollment Contract. Parents must provide Seattle Classical Christian School with a current copy of the parenting plan. If a restraining order is in effect to protect the student, parents agree to provide the school with a copy of such order.