In a world where our culture feels adrift and education often falls short, you have the power to shape the future.

Every day, classrooms mold young minds through content and context, but not always in ways that use critical thinking and timeless values. A child spends nearly 16,000 hours in a school shaping their thoughts, forging their character, and cultivating their understanding of what's true, good, and beautiful. The stakes are high – we're talking about the future leaders and thinkers who will transform our world.

Seattle Classical Christian School isn’t just filling those hours – we are shaping young minds and hearts, preparing them to impact their communities and the world, guided by faith and character. 

Don't just take our word for it. Here's what Claire, a new 10th grader, has to say:

"I am being challenged and growing more than I could have ever hoped. We learn how to think critically and apply Christ's teachings to every aspect of life…that's what a Christian should do—see the world through a Biblical lens. 

And it's not just the students who notice the difference. One of our new parents shared:

“Our daughter is more lighthearted and confident in what is Good than we have ever seen her. She's being encouraged to trust in Jesus through being taught to think. Even our non-believing friends are intrigued by SCCS's emphasis on rigorous thinking.”  

This transformative work is only possible because of supporters like you.

Your support is critical to helping us send generations of thoughtful Christians into the world – equipped to pursue, advance, and uphold God's vision for human flourishing. 

Our SCCS community generously gave almost $350,000 for our fall Flourish Fund last year, which enabled us to weather economic storms, increase financial aid, support our dedicated staff, and enhance our students' experiences.

But our work isn't complete. Now we depend on your generous giving to:

  • Ensure Access to Biblically-Rooted Education: 48% of our families receive financial aid. Help us continue to open doors for deserving students.

  • Invest in our Teachers: Support our exceptional educators with competitive salaries and benefits in an increasingly expensive city.

  • Grow the City of God: Help us partner with 41+ churches in forming generations of resilient, discerning Christians who will shape the future of our city and beyond.

 Would you consider giving your best gift to the Flourish Fund today to help us shape the future, one student at a time?

  • Make your donation online

  • Consider stock gifts (can eliminate capital gains tax), Donor Advised Funds, or qualified charitable distributions

  • Check if your employer offers matches for your charitable giving–it’s an easy way to maximize your impact

  • Every gift, regardless of size, makes a difference

Together, we can ensure that the next 16,000 hours of a child's education aren't just filled – they're used to form servant leaders who love goodness, truth, and beauty.

Sincerely and in Christ,

Matt Greco, Head of School

Your support today helps shape the future, one student at a time.


Discover more inspiring stories of flourishing by exploring below.

This school is a gift! I have two children attending and both love going to SCCS every single day. This school is unique. It’s a place that cares for the child as a whole person...My children are being taught how to think, not what to think, and I see their hearts being molded to look more like Christ everyday. Our family is so thankful for this school and for the growth we see in our kids lives because of the school’s influence.
— Current Parent
I feel more confident about myself at SCCS
— Current 8th Grade Student
SCCS is a shining example of a Christ centered kindergarten through high school... As a parent, I am grateful to have found such a nurturing and enriching environment for my children, where they have been able to thrive academically, and most importantly grow in their Christ-centered faith.
— Current Parent
The focus on character formation as they learn is one of the things we appreciate most at SCCS.
— Nanfelt Family

Hear from a pastoral family

Some of the deepest heartache we have had as a family living in Seattle is that our older daughter has gone to school in an environment that not only doesn’t value what we believe but is often “politely” antagonistic towards our faith in Jesus. As adults, we were prepared to handle both the cultural differences and the subtle antagonism, but it has been difficult on our older daughter. Seeking to serve as missionaries in Seattle and shepherd God’s people is much harder if we are broken-hearted over our child’s experience of being alone and different at school. 

So, for our family to be part of a school community like SCCS not only helps encourage and nourish our daughter’s faith, but also relieves us of a burden to give us more capacity to serve the people around us with more freedom. 

And, as a pastor, we have had people we deeply invested in move away from Seattle primarily because they wanted a better education for their children than they were receiving. We are confident that if they had known that a school like SCCS was an option for their family, they would have stayed in the city and continued partnering with us to reach the people of our city. For those families who still live in Seattle and are looking into educational choices for their children, we gladly tell parents about why we love SCCS and strongly encourage them to consider SCCS for their children’s education with the hope that they would be encouraged to stay committed to the city knowing that their children will be well cared for.  


Every quarter, I can’t help but tear up when reading my children’s report cards. It’s not the grades I’m interested in as much as the comments that give me a window into my children’s progress and the teachers I’m entrusting my children to every day. In these comments, I see teachers who truly know and care for my children’s whole selves! 

Just listen to this comment from my 8th grader’s science teacher: “I’ve seen your student come into our studies with wonder and admiration for God’s creation. She also has a disposition toward problem-solving and critical thinking when encountering the complex concepts we have studied thus far. My prayer for her is that she’d know God in new ways as we study His intricate creation. Secondary to that is my hope that through learning about science, she would hone the ability to reason well and wonder deeply.

I would love an opportunity to meet with you to discuss our long-term strategy, near-term goals, and how you can partner to move SCCS forward for this city’s good and God’s glory.

Kim Arthur
Director of Advancement
