Operational Beliefs
This page contains Section III of Seattle Classical Christian School’s Parent and Student Handbook.
Last updated July 2024
Basic School Rules
Students are expected to cooperate with basic Christian standards of behavior and conversation.
There should be no talking back or arguing with teachers or staff. Prompt and cheerful obedience is expected. Requests from the teacher should not have to be repeated.
It is our strong belief that SCCS is not the place in which romantic relationships between students should be cultivated or initiated. Public displays of romantic affection are unacceptable.
Friendships, relationships built upon sacrificial love, are highly esteemed and encouraged.
Students are expected to treat all of the school's materials and facilities with respect and care. This includes all books distributed to the students. Students will be charged for lost or damaged books.
Cheating is widespread in academia today. We believe that teaching students to do their own work and keep their eyes on their own papers should begin in the elementary years. Cheating is unacceptable at SCCS and is defined as: Plagiarizing or copying an answer, Working together on an assignment that was intended to be completed individually, or Looking at another student’s paper during a test.
Parental Involvement
Each SCCS family will be required to perform 20 hours of volunteer service per year. This change will unite us in our common mission and will bring great value to both the school and our families. Some highlights of the policy:
Any family member over age 12 can contribute volunteer hours
There will be a list of qualifying volunteer services (subbing, workdays, individual & committee work, etc.)
Three ways to get volunteer hours: 1) Do the work, 2) Pay for the hours at $25/hour, 3) Donate hours to other families
Any hours spent on summer projects will count towards the coming school year.
SCCS faculty and staff families are exempt from this policy.
SCCS is committed to providing students with a safe educational environment. In compliance with both legal obligations and insurance requirements, we conduct criminal background checks for all volunteers. As we actively promote parent engagement, it has been a longstanding SCCS policy to mandate background checks for all SCCS parents.
Volunteer Confidentiality Policy
Volunteers may inadvertently have access to sensitive information. Any information about students, grades, faculty, etc. is to remain confidential. Volunteers may observe situations of a sensitive nature. These are also to remain confidential. If a volunteer has a concern involving something that is witnessed, observed, or overheard, it may only be discussed with the faculty member or Head of School. If a volunteer disregards this policy, the privilege of volunteering may be revoked.
SCCS asks that volunteers not post pictures taken in the classroom on social media without the express consent of all of the student’s parents and/or guardians in the picture or blurring/blocking faces.
(Updated July 2024)
Students are expected to be present and on time to school every day school is in session. Attendance records for students are kept by the individual classroom teachers and reported on the student's report cards each quarter.
School Day Times
8:00 am – 8:15 am
School Drop-off (Students should not be dropped off before 8:00 am)8:17 am
Classes Begin3:00 pm
Classes End3:00 pm – 3:15 pm
School Pick-up
Full-day absence: a day in which a student is absent from school for 3 1/2 hours or more; or misses 4 or more periods.
Half-day absence: a day in which a student is absent from school between 1 and 3 1/2 hours; or misses less than 4 periods.
Tardies: any time a student is not seated in his classroom at the appointed time.
Attendance Guidelines
Missing class without parental permission results in an office visit.
In the event a student is absent from a class, or from school, for more than ten days during one semester (for any reason), the student’s parents will meet with the Head of School (and teacher, if necessary) to determine whether the student will receive a letter grade, or a grade of P (pass) or F (fail) on his report card.
A student cannot receive a passing grade unless he completes work (if necessary, it can be completed over the summer) and passes an end-of-summer assessment. During this time the student is considered on academic probation. Parents may choose to pay teachers for tutoring to help the student catch up.
Tardy Guidelines
This policy is not in effect for Pre-K.
A “tardy” is when a student is not sitting at his desk, quiet, and waiting for instruction from the teacher when the classroom clock indicates 8:17 am in Grammar classes or at the beginning of a period for 7th grade and up.
There will be a two-week grace period at the beginning of each school year.
A student will be allowed to be tardy three times per quarter with no consequences. Teachers will notify the office when a fourth tardy occurs, and a notice will be sent home.
A notice will go home with the 4th tardy notice, and the parents will be contacted by the Head of School for the 5th tardy.
Late arrival in the classroom is often disruptive to teachers and other students. Please ensure that you arrive with time for your student to make it to their seat on time so that they may enjoy the entirety of their day at SCCS. For late drop-offs and early pick-ups, please fill out an early pick-up or late drop-off form each time, so that our faculty may prepare your student appropriately.
tardies and CHRONIC absenteeism
Regular school attendance is crucial for developing good habits of learning. Students who are chronically tardy or absent may be referred to the Head of School for discussion of appropriate action that could include denying promotion to the next grade or expulsion.
Excused vs Unexcused Absences and Tardies
The following absences will be considered excused, provided appropriate documentation is submitted:
Student illness or injury
Medical or dental appointments that cannot be scheduled outside school hours
Death in the immediate family
Exceptional circumstances approved in advance by the school administration
For an absence or tardy to be excused, parents or guardians must:
Notify the school on the day of the absence or tardy (Absence/Illness Form)
Provide written documentation (email is sufficient) within 3 days of the student's return
Unexcused Absences
Any absence that does not meet the above criteria will be considered unexcused. This includes, but is not limited to:
Absences without a valid reason
Traffic or car problems
Family vacations during school time
Repeated tardiness
Failure to provide documentation within the specified timeframe
Repeated unexcused absences may impact a student's academic standing and progression. The school administration reserves the right to determine whether a tardy is excused or unexcused based on the reason provided.
Student Expectations:
Students are expected to:
Make up any work missed due to absence
Seek assistance from teachers if needed to catch up on missed content
Reporting Absences
Parents or guardians should submit Absence/Illnesses via the form before the school day begins at 8:15 am. If prior notice is not possible, a note must be sent with the student upon their return.
(Updated October 2024)
Prescription Medicine Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safe administration of prescription medications to students during school hours. This policy aligns with our commitment to the health and well-being of our students while respecting parental authority and legal requirements.
Seattle Classical Christian School (SCCS) will administer prescription medications to students only when necessary for their health and well-being during school hours. All medications will be administered in compliance with the prescription provided by a licensed healthcare provider. The school reserves the right to refuse the administration of any medication if the procedures outlined below are not followed.
SCCS must have written authorization before any prescription medication can be administered. Parents should email info@seattleclassicalchristianschool.org with the following information:
Student’s full name.
Name of the medication.
Dosage and specific administration instructions.
The time and duration for which the medication is to be given.
Possible side effects and actions to be taken in case of an adverse reaction.
This information will be recorded in our medical records within FACTS.
Note: A new authorization form must be submitted at the beginning of each school year and whenever there is a change in medication, dosage, or administration instructions.
Delivery and Storage of Medications
Medications must be delivered to the school in the original pharmacy-labeled container. The label must include:
The student’s name.
The medication’s name.
The prescribing physician’s name.
Dosage and administration instructions.
All medications will be stored in a locked cabinet in the school office.
Administration of Medication
Medications will be administered by a designated trained staff member at the Front Desk.
The person administering the medication will verify the student’s identity and the correct medication and dosage before administration.
Staff will record the administration of each dose, including the date, time, dosage, and name of the person administering the medication.
Field Trips or Off-Campus Activities
If a student requires medication during a field trip or off-campus activity, a designated staff member will prepare and carry the necessary medication securely. The same procedures for verification and documentation will apply during off-campus activities.
Discontinuation and Disposal of Medication
Parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the school in writing when a medication is to be discontinued.
Unused medications will be sent home with the student, along with an email notice. Medications not picked up within one week after the end of the school year will be disposed of in accordance with local regulations.
All student health information, including medication records, will be kept confidential in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
(Added July 2024)
Release of Students and Visitor Policy
Release of Students
SCCS has a closed campus. This means students are not permitted to leave the campus for any reason during school hours or during after-school activities unless accompanied by an authorized adult. Parents picking a student up during the school day must sign their student out at the school office. If the student will be returning before dismissal, the parent must sign the student back in.
Any adults other than the custodial parent(s) who wish to pick up a student during or after school must have permission from the custodial parent for each occasion, submitted through our “Permission to Pick Up” Form. Please be sure all adults authorized to pick up a student are recorded with the school office in advance. The adult will need to show identification to SCCS staff.
Visitor Policy
To ensure a safe and conducive learning environment, all visitors must adhere to the following policy:
A visitor is defined as any person not currently enrolled as a student of SCCS (this would include parents, siblings, and previous students or teachers).
All visitors must sign in at the main office upon arrival and obtain a visitor’s badge, which must be worn at all times while in the school building or with students outside the building (recess).
Visitors are required to schedule appointments in advance to ensure availability and minimize disruption to the school day.
Classroom visits must be coordinated with the teacher and approved by the front office in advance. Unscheduled classroom visits are not permitted.
Visitors are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that respects the school’s code of conduct. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Visitors may not bring children or guests who are not students of the school without prior approval from the administration or the teacher in case of an approved classroom visit.
Visitors must respect the confidentiality of students and staff, refraining from discussing any student’s performance or behavior.
(Updated July 2024)
Club Policy
Students must be supervised at all times when on SCCS property.
Students actively participating in a club must be supervised by the designated club leader(s) from the start of club time until pick up.
Students not participating in a club (aka siblings) must be supervised by their parents.
In the case of an after-school club, students must remain in their designated pick-up areas until they are released to their club leader.
Each club has been given a designated area in which to gather. Students will have access to the club’s designated area and bathrooms, but may not access any other portions of the school building.
Students are eligible to join after-school clubs based on the guidelines provided for each specific club, which may include grade or capacity restrictions. Students must remain in good standing to participate in clubs (probation may be necessary for students experiencing academic or disciplinary concerns). Tuition accounts must be in good standing to participate in clubs. Parents must provide written consent (via a registration form or email) for a student to participate in an after-school club.
After-school clubs will have an associated club fee designed to cover or supplement SCCS’s costs. Scholarships are available. Fees will be added to the student’s FACTS Tuition account.
(Added April 23, 2024)
Code of Conduct
The code corresponds to and flows from our core virtues.
Pray with your eyes closed.
Stand/sit with good posture.
Respectfully address teachers, staff, and adults (“Yes”, “No”, “Yes, Mr. Greco.” Not “yeah”, “uh-huh”, etc.)
Respond with your voice and eye contact when addressed.
Be fully engaged in class: attentive eyes, listening ears, and calm bodies.
Directions from faculty and staff are followed all the way, right away, with a pleasant attitude.
Let humility rule (don’t disrupt class or try to draw negative/silly attention).
Be careful to speak and move around at the appropriate times.
Speak with purpose in grace and truth (no foolish/crass/baby talk).
Keep your hands to yourself.
Respectfully participate in class: bottom in seat, raise your hand, stand to speak (in appropriate grades).
Care for your place (respect the building and property).
Recognize that there is a place for everything and put everything in its place (do not throw trash on the floor, etc.).
Use resources the way they are intended (no standing on chairs, etc.).
Leave it better than you found it.
Speak with a modest tone.
Listening first leads to wisdom.
Regard your teacher and your lessons with a good attitude.
Strive for a wholesome focus in word and deed.
Deal peaceably and build one another up: avoid gossip, violence, dishonesty, and strife.
Children will naturally think adherence to rules leads to approval. SCCS will labor to counter this thinking. We acknowledge that the good news of Jesus is the sole means for change in one’s heart. Every transgression is another proof of our need for daily grace. Faith in Jesus, alone, makes us right in God’s eyes. Mere rule-following is not the aim of this section. The goal, rather, is to enculturate students into the wonderful economy of redemption. We are loved while we are still enemies. We are approved because of the work of another. Reconciliation is made through Jesus’ sacrifice, not reparations on our part. Change occurs in response to God’s grace. We are saved for good works, not by good works (Eph 2:10). God’s grace trains us to renounce ungodliness and lead self-controlled, upright, and godly lives (Titus 2:11-12).
Administration of Discipline
The kind and amount of discipline will be determined by the teachers, and if necessary, the Head of School. The discipline will be administered in light of the student's actions and attitude. All discipline will be based on biblical principles, e.g. restitution, apologies (public and private), swift punishment, restoration of fellowship, no lingering grudges, etc. The vast majority of discipline problems will be dealt with at the classroom level. Love and forgiveness will be an integral part of the discipline of a student.
Office Visits
There are five basic behaviors that will automatically necessitate discipline from the Head of School. Those behaviors are:
Disrespect shown to a staff member. The staff member is the judge of whether disrespect has been shown.
Dishonesty in any situation while at school, including lying, cheating, and stealing.
Rebellion, i.e. to a faculty/staff member, outright disobedience in response to instructions.
Fighting, i.e. striking in anger with the intention to harm the other student.
Obscene, vulgar, or profane language, as well as taking the name of the Lord in vain.
As a result of an office visit, the Head of School will determine the nature of the discipline for the infraction in question. The Head of School may require restitution, janitorial work, parental attendance during the school day with their child, or any other measures consistent with biblical guidelines that may be appropriate. If for any of the above or other reasons, a student receives discipline from the Head of School, the following accounting will be observed within the school year:
The first two times a student is disciplined with a formal office visit, the Head of School will contact the student’s parents and relate the details of the visit. The parents’ assistance and support in averting further problems are necessary to establish a partnership to develop student character.
A meeting with the Head of School will follow the third office visit with the student’s parents and a suspension may be indicated for serious misconduct.
Should the student require a fourth office visit, a two-day suspension may be imposed on the student. Expulsion may also be indicated.
If a fifth office visit is required, the student may be expelled from the school.
If at any point the student’s behavior is upsetting the general tone of the classroom, derailing the learning environment of the classroom, or endangering students or staff, SCCS reserves the right to immediately dismiss the student from class, and potentially expel them from the school.
Serious Misconduct
If a student commits an act with such serious consequences that the Head of School deems it necessary, the office-visit process may be bypassed and suspension imposed immediately.
Examples of such serious misconduct could include, but not be limited to: acts endangering the lives of other students or staff members, gross violence, vandalism, violations of civil law, or drug abuse. Students may also be subject to school discipline for serious misconduct that occurs after school hours or off school property, including online.
If the Head of School desires to pursue expulsion, he will meet with the board to inform them, receive their counsel, and ask them to make a final decision.
Re-enrollment after discipline
At the discretion of the Head of School, in consultation with the board, a student may be refused re-enrollment. Such refusal to re-enroll is not considered a direct disciplinary act, requiring accumulated office visits to be taken. Refusal to re-enroll is not the equivalent of suspension or expulsion.
Re-admittance after discipline
Should a student who was expelled, or who withdrew to prevent expulsion, desire to be readmitted to SCCS at a later date, the Head of School, in consultation with the board, will make a decision based on the student's attitude and circumstances at the time of re-application.
Bullying and Harassment
SCCS prohibits acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying of students. "Harassment, intimidation, or bullying" means any gesture or written, verbal, or physical act toward a student that takes place on school property or at a school-sponsored activity and that:
Is motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic of the student, such as race, ethnicity, religion, ancestry, sex or sexual orientation, socio-economic status, or disability; and
Harms the student or damages the student’s property or threatens personal harm or damage to their property; or
Insults, demeans, or intimidates the student or a group of students in such a way as to substantially interfere with the student or students’ educational or social activities at school or cause a substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school.
The school expects students to conduct themselves in keeping with their levels of development, maturity and demonstrated capabilities with proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students and school staff, the educational purpose underlying all school activities, and the care of school facilities, and equipment.
The Head of School is responsible for receiving complaints alleging violations of this policy. All school employees are required to report alleged violations of this policy to the Head of School. All other members of the school community, including students, parents/guardians, volunteers, and visitors, are encouraged to report any act that may be a violation of this policy. Oral reports also shall be considered official reports. Reports may be made anonymously, but formal disciplinary action may not be based solely based on an anonymous report.
The Head of School will determine whether an alleged act constitutes a violation of this policy. In so doing, the Head of School shall conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of the alleged incident. The Head of School may conclude that the alleged violation occurred or did not occur, or that the evidence is inconclusive. If the Head of School concludes that the alleged violation did not occur or that the evidence is inconclusive, no written report of the matter will be maintained in a student’s file.
In ascertaining the appropriate response to students who commit one or more acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying, the Head of School will consider the following factors:
The developmental and maturity levels of the parties involved.
The levels of harm, and the surrounding circumstances.
The nature of the behaviors, past incidences, or past or continuing patterns of behavior.
The relationships between the parties involved, and
The context in which the alleged incidents occurred.
Concluding whether a particular action or incident constitutes a violation of this policy requires a determination based on all the facts and surrounding circumstances. It is only after meaningful consideration of these factors that an appropriate consequence should be determined, consistent with the school’s policies and applicable law.
Consequences and appropriate remedial action for students who commit acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying may range from positive behavioral interventions up to and including suspension or expulsion. Some acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying may be isolated incidents requiring that the school respond appropriately to the students committing the acts. Other acts may be so serious that they require a response by law enforcement officials. Any act of harassment, intimidation, or bullying that may constitute sexual abuse or any other form of child abuse, and threats of violence against students, teachers, or staff, shall be reported to law enforcement officials as required by state law.
The school prohibits retaliation against any student who reports an act of harassment, intimidation, or bullying. The consequence and appropriate remedial action for a student who engages in reprisal or retaliation shall be determined by the Dean of Campus after consideration of the nature and circumstances of the act, following applicable school policies and law.
SCCS reserves to itself the right to investigate allegations of bullying, harassment, intimidation, and other threats that occur on social media venues and are directed at or disrupt the learning environment of the school. Actions and words directed against fellow students, parents/guardians, or school employees will be considered as such. The school will also notify law enforcement when credible threats of violence are detected.
(Added July 2024)
Safety Proceedures
SCCS takes seriously its obligation to maintain the safety of students, faculty, and staff at all times. Fire drills and other rehearsals for emergencies are conducted with students periodically throughout the year.
A Crisis Management Plan is maintained and updated by the administration at SCCS. The plan outlines emergency procedures for natural disasters, violent situations, medical emergencies, and fires. Faculty and staff are trained on the plan every school year.
(Updated July 2024)
Firearms and Drugs Policy
In accordance with Washington State Law RCW 9.41.280, weapons, whether concealed or unconcealed, may not be brought into the school building or anywhere else on school grounds.
Drugs Policy
In accordance with Washington State Law RCW 69.50.435, drugs may not be brought into the school building or anywhere else on school grounds.
Electronic Devices and Other Prohibited Items
Tobacco and other legally controlled substances, lighters, matches, pocket knives, weapons of any kind, and sexually explicit materials are prohibited. Items designed to look like any of the above are likewise prohibited. Possession of any of these items will result in immediate disciplinary action.
Students may not bring electronics to school without prior administrative approval, including iPods or other portable music players, smart watches, cameras, laptops, iPads/tablets, wireless/Bluetooth earbuds, or headphones. Students in possession of these items may be disciplined, and such items will be confiscated and returned at the parent/guardian's request.
Students may not bring chewing gum, fidgets/spinners, or toys to school without prior teacher approval. If a learning tool is needed to support your student’s education, please work with your teacher to determine an approved “fidget.” Teachers may choose to allow gum during testing, at their discretion.
(Added July 2024)
Student Cell Phones
We are building a school culture that values and pursues rich human-centric communication. We want to cultivate students who love the distinct flavors of in-person communication and possess the skills to carry on a conversation well. To that end, we treasure in-person conversation which honors the presence of an image of God. In support of this goal, we will restrict phone usage amongst our students and staff during time on campus. We do not want phone usage to dominate relationships at school.
Therefore, the use of cell phones, smartwatches, and other devices that can be used to communicate or connect to the internet during the school day is prohibited.
Logic and Rhetoric School students (7th through 11th grade) who carry cell phones (or other devices described above) must check them in with the Logic and Rhetoric Principal upon arrival and check them out at the end of the school day. Phones may not be brought into classrooms in pockets or purses. Student devices must be turned off (not simply silenced) and secured for the entirety of the school day. Students are permitted to access their devices after they leave campus.
Elementary students are not permitted to bring cell phones (or other devices described above) to school.
If a student needs to phone a parent during the school day, the student may come to the front desk to use the school’s phone. In rare cases when parents need to get an emergency message to a student before the end of the school day, they should call the school’s main telephone line and ask for a message to be delivered. Parents should be aware that messages they send directly to their student’s devices during the school day will not be seen until after school dismissal. Carpools or pickup changes must be coordinated through the front office.
Violation of the above restrictions will result in confiscation of the cell phone and disciplinary action. Cell phones will be turned in to the school office and released only to parents after confiscation. After the first offense, additional consequences may be given in addition to confiscation. This can include a meeting with the Head of School, being disallowed to continue bringing a phone to school, suspension, and even expulsion of repeat offenders.
(Updated July 2024)
Policy on Social Media
We want to keep the environment at SCCS Christ-centered. By signing the Enrollment Contract you agree to monitor your child’s social media posts, media accounts, internet activity, music, and television choices. SCCS may also monitor the social media accounts of students.
A student’s actions are a reflection of SCCS. Inappropriate posts or photos, inappropriate language, etc., may result in series consequences, including a student being asked to leave SCCS.
The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place by Andy Crouch
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt
(Added July 2024)
Lockers are loaned to students and remain school property while in use by students. SCCS faculty and staff may open a student’s locker at any time.
Students may not open a locker that is not theirs. Students may not take or “borrow” another student’s belongings (pencils, books, etc.) without permission.
Exterior locker Decoration: In general, locker decorations should be inside the locker only. Decorations will be allowed on the exterior of the locker only for birthdays and special celebrations (approved by the Logic and Rhetoric Principal). These decorations and photographs should follow school standards of propriety. Images/pages from magazines are not permitted. Event-specific decorations may be left on the outside of the locker for 7 days before they are to be removed by the student.
Interior Locker Decoration: Decorations and photographs should follow school standards of propriety. Images/pages from magazines are not permitted. Students decorating the inside of the locker should use blue tape only (NO scotch tape), which is available from the office staff. Students should refrain from writing on the inside or outside of their lockers.
Expectations for locker decorations apply to binders and book covers as well. Photographs and personal artistic decorations are appropriate; students should avoid magazine pictures, internet photos, etc.
(Updated July 2024)
School Property and Personal Property
Damage to School Property
While attending SCCS, students will have access to school textbooks, library books, and other supplies and equipment. Students are expected to treat these materials with care. Fines will be levied for lost or damaged school property, charged through FACTS. Students may be required to help repair damaged property.
Backpacks and Personal Items
Students may bring backpacks and lunchboxes to and from school. These items must be stored in the designated spaces in the classroom during the school day. Due to small storage spaces, rolling backpacks are not permitted without a doctor’s note. Backpacks and lunchboxes should be free of images and messages that are offensive or inappropriate to SCCS’ environment.
SCCS staff may search and seize property when there is reason to believe that some material or matter is present that is detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of students.
(Added July 2024)
School Closures
When harsh weather conditions prevail, our first concern is the welfare and safety of the students and employees. Should parents feel conditions are too hazardous, students may be kept home, and an excused absence will be granted. We will be following the Seattle Public School District weather-related school closures or delays. Do not attempt treacherous roads!
Please note: If Seattle Public Schools have a 2-hour delay or are closed, SCCS will have no classes for Pre-K students and all-day students would be delayed 2 hours; doors will open at 10 am and classes begin at 10:15 am. You can check for announcements on the Internet, radio, and TV. The school office will send out an email and post it to the school website.
May Day: Occasionally, the Head of School may deem it appropriate to dismiss students early on May Day (May 1). This will depend on the activities of that day in the Central District and surrounding neighborhoods. Parents will be notified by the school office if the Head of School decides to dismiss students early. Otherwise, the school will proceed as normal and will dismiss at the regular time. No field trips will be planned for this day.
Student Health Requirements
Immunization and Certificates of Exemption
All students must be immunized according to Washington State standards or have an official waiver of immunization on file. Immunization verification forms are available on the CSA website and should be returned to the office by the first day of school. Additional verification forms are available from the Public Health Department, or from your student’s physician. The forms need to be filled out for all new students and every time an immunization is updated.
Other forms necessary for student health records, obtained from the school:
Health History/Emergency Contact form: describes the basic health/illness history of each student; lists the emergency contact names and phone numbers of people who may need notification in a medical emergency. Includes a signed waiver to facilitate necessary surgical action.
Transportation and activities release waiver to be used for all school-sponsored field trips.
If your child has an allergy the school must have a Physician Authorization to Administer Form.
Summary of Needed Forms/Information for Each Student:
Copy of current immunization record or exempt statement
Pre-Admissions Health Form/ Emergency Contact/Permission to Administer Medication
Transportation and Activities Release Form
Release Form
We recommend that medications be taken at home when at all possible. It is recognized that in some cases it is essential that medication be administered during the school day. No medications will be given to a child unless prior arrangements have been made.
A physician/health provider and parent may request that a student be permitted to carry his/her medication and to self-administer the medication. An MD authorization form is still needed and must be noted on the form so that the child can self-medicate. The physician and parent's signature must be on the form. This medication may not be carried at SCCS by the student until the form is given to the office. The form must be updated annually.
Epi-Pens and other urgent medicines will be stored in a clear shoebox container with a red cross on the front.
Guidelines for keeping sick children home
Parents should not send a student to school sick.
Colds: Please keep your child at home if he has a fever over 100 degrees or is experiencing discomfort that would interfere with his ability to perform in school (i.e., uncontrollable coughing, severe lack of energy).
Conjunctivitis (pinkeye): Follow your doctor’s advice for returning to school.
Diarrhea/Vomiting: A child with diarrhea and/or vomiting should stay at home and return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours.
Fever: The child should remain at home with a fever greater than 100 degrees. The child can return to school after he has been fever-free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin).
Covid: The above guidelines apply.
School Improvements and Grievances
This policy outlines the appropriate actions whenever there is a school improvement idea, dispute, or grievance concerning any aspect of SCCS’s operations, between any two parties connected in a direct way to the school. This includes students, parents, staff, volunteers, administration, and Board. It is understood that if any disputes arise that are not covered by this policy, the Head of School and Board will decide what procedures to follow based on a parity of reasoning from those procedures established by this policy.
It is our desire that our community handle conflicts in a manner that aligns with our student expectations: we focus on what is good, true, and beautiful (Philippians 4:8), make allowance for other’s faults (Ephesians 4:2-3), take responsibility for our own actions (Matthew 7:1-4), and handle conflict without slander (Proverbs 10:18) using a biblical approach (as outlined in Matthew 18:15-17 and James 3).
Even when we approach discord, we strive to honor those who serve sacrificially, work diligently, and love with integrity. Scripture encourages us all to honor those who work hard on our behalf (1 Thessalonians 5:12) especially those who look out for Christ’s and other people’s interests (Philippians 2:21).
The goals of this policy are to:
Outline who to approach for which specific concerns.
Facilitate honest, open communication that honors all parties.
Clearly identify the next steps after feedback has been made.
We expect our community to pursue communication that is clear and honoring to all parties. The best way to communicate your concern is to speak directly with the appropriate person. Please email that person directly to set up a time to discuss the concern in person. Within your initial email, please be sure to be clear about:
The details and scope of the concern (What has led to this? Who is involved? Is this an ongoing issue or a one-time event?)
Refer to SCCS policies and values to consider how to best speak about this concern.
Share what kind of response you believe would be appropriate keeping in mind the needs of all parties (consider both immediate concern and future prevention, if appropriate).
Show honor to all parties involved by seeking to express some form of gratitude amid challenges.
You should expect a response within 3 business days, acknowledging your concern and setting up the next steps (whether that’s scheduling a meeting to discuss further or an immediate action that can be taken).
Our grievance procedure should be a relationship-building exercise. Our policy is that you always approach the immediate party of concern as a first step (this may be a teacher, administrator, or Head of School, depending on the scope of the concern).
If escalation is necessary because the issue has not been resolved, reach out to the Head of School via email. He will include all necessary parties in the resolution. Again, our policy is to always begin with the immediate party and resist the temptation to fast-track escalation. We emphatically desire to address concerns in a timely and appropriate manner, and we want to create trust, build relationships, and honor one another along the way.
For concerns with:
Teachers or Aides:
All concerns about the classroom should be addressed directly to the teacher, in a manner aligned with the philosophy outlined above. If the student is mature enough, they should be involved in a respectful conversation with the teacher.
If the concern arises from the character or competence of the teacher/aide, then the parents or student may bring the concern to the Head of School via email. The Head of School will involve the Grammar or Logic and Rhetoric Principals in the plan for addressing concerns.
If you have initiated a concern with a teacher/aide and do not feel that it has been appropriately addressed, please escalate the concern to the Head of School via email. The Head of School will involve the Grammar or Logic and Rhetoric Principals in the plan for addressing concerns. Students may be involved in this escalation, with appropriate maturity and parental permission.
The Administration:
All concerns about an administrative issue should be addressed directly to the responsible Director, in a manner aligned with the philosophy outlined above. If the scale of the concern is larger, or if you are unsure who the right person to contact, you should bring their concerns directly to the Head of School via email. He will involve the appropriate parties in the resolution of the concern.
If the concern arises from the character or competence of the Head of School, then that concern should be brought directly to the Board by emailing the Board. Concerns may also be escalated to the Board if the Head of School is not following clear policy or protocols.
This procedure applies to all faculty, staff, and board members who are acting in their capacity as parents/patrons.
As a Volunteer:
If you have a concern about the volunteer work or a situation as a volunteer, please address it directly Kim Arthur. If you have initiated a concern to your point of contact and are dissatisfied with the response, you can escalate the matter to the Head of School.
(Updated November 3, 2023)
Anonymous Reporting of Suspicious Activity
Parents or students who would like to provide an anonymous report to the school regarding bullying, illegal activity, or suspected abuse can do so by mailing a note to the school, addressing it to the attention of the Head of School. Anyone who has such concerns is encouraged to report them, either anonymously or in person.
(Added July 2024)