We teach students to:

Love God

Seek to glorify God in all things with a servant’s heart.

Evaluate their entire range of experience in light of the Scriptures, and do so with eagerness in joyful submission to God.

Think with Reason

Understand limits of human knowledge, and the existence of mystery in our physical world.

Seek understanding and ask questions, with freedom in faith.

Speak with Humility and Wisdom

Be quick to listen and slow to speak.

Arrive well-prepared in all situations, possessing both information and the desire to use it humbly.

Cherish Beauty

Love and regard beauty in creation and culture.

Leave beauty in their wake.

Embody Virtue

Habitually practice core virtues: Honor, Self-control, Stewardship, and Wisdom.

Extend and exude grace and graciousness in society with each other.

BECOME Invested Citizens

Navigate culture with a biblical framework rooted in the gospel.

Contribute through servant leadership to the needs and growth of their city and communities.