We teach students to:
Love God —
Seek to glorify God in all things with a servant’s heart.
Evaluate their entire range of experience in light of the Scriptures, and do so with eagerness in joyful submission to God.
Think with Reason —
Understand limits of human knowledge, and the existence of mystery in our physical world.
Seek understanding and ask questions, with freedom in faith.
Speak with Humility and Wisdom —
Be quick to listen and slow to speak.
Arrive well-prepared in all situations, possessing both information and the desire to use it humbly.
Cherish Beauty —
Love and regard beauty in creation and culture.
Leave beauty in their wake.
Embody Virtue —
Habitually practice core virtues: Honor, Self-control, Stewardship, and Wisdom.
Extend and exude grace and graciousness in society with each other.
BECOME Invested Citizens —
Navigate culture with a biblical framework rooted in the gospel.
Contribute through servant leadership to the needs and growth of their city and communities.