God has been at work in and through Seattle Classical Christian School for over a decade! He has helped us through challenges and has blessed our efforts to build this school as an outpost for Christian students to flourish for their entire lives. You can read of God’s steadfast provision for our school on the reverse–how He has provided for every need at just the right time.
SCCS started because a group of families wanted to offer the best Christian education in the same city where they lived, worked, and worshiped. In 11 years, we have grown from one Kindergarten class to launching our Rhetoric school with a 9th-grade class, and we remain the only school of our kind in Seattle.
Psalm 127 reminds us that, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the workers labor in vain,” so please join our Board, Head of School, Faculty, and Staff in continuous prayer that the Lord would be present and active within the walls of our school. We are grateful for you–our partners in shaping our students with biblically-informed, character-focused education. May the students of today and many more of tomorrow come to love God and the things of God as they are sent for a lifetime of flourishing!
Leslie Dunn (SCCS Board President)
The University of Notre Dame and Cardus, a foundation that tracks the outcome of school segments of alumni aged 23-44, found these staggering and substantial outcomes in a recent expansive study comparing experiences of nationwide alumni from 1) public schools, 2) private, non-religious college prep schools, 3) Catholic schools, 4) protestant Christian schools, and 5) Christian Classical Education Schools.
As we forward to our first graduating class in 2026, we must ask: does our unique foundation rooted in the gospel coupled with our unique methods (Socratic discussion, memory recitation, fostering wonder, practice and discipleship) and our unique content (studying the greatest minds in history, integration of topics across subjects and keeping the Bible at the center of all things) actually make a difference in the long run?
This research seems to confirm what history has repeatedly demonstrated—classical Christian education can influence the course of a home, a community, or a nation.
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forming servant leaders who love goodness, truth, beauty: